Kuyamba kwa end carbon commutator


Kugwiritsiridwa ntchito kwa carbon ndi carbon compounds kupanga DC motor commutators kunaphunziridwa ndi asayansi aku Germany kumayambiriro kwa nkhondo yachiwiri ya padziko lonse.
Pambuyo pa kugonjetsedwa kwa Germany, asayansi aku Germany adagwidwa ndi asilikali a US ndipo adalowa kuti apitirize kufufuza kwawo.
Koma injini yopanda brush itatuluka, idakopa chidwi ndi moyo wake wautali. Research ntchito pakutsiriza ma commutators a carbonyachedwa kwa nthawi ndithu.
After the automobile adopts the EFI device, the fuel pump cannot use the brushless motor due to the limitation of volume. The fuel pump of the EFI automobile is immersed in the fuel to work, and the gasoline currently produced and sold in my country has a relatively low sulfur content. High, copper commutator working surface, in addition to the burning of electric sparks when carbon brushes are commutated, it will also accelerate wear due to chemical corrosion of sulfur. Furthermore, in order to cope with the insufficient supply of fuel in the future fuel market and to control automobile exhaust pollution, the Chinese government has started to sell corrosive ethanol gasoline on a pilot basis. A joint test by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University shows that the current additives in ethanol gasoline will cause strong corrosion to the metal commutator, resulting in a significant reduction in the service life of the car, and directly lead to various engine failures.

Pakadali pano, European Union ndi mayiko ena ayamba kupanga miyezo yoyenera, ndipo ayamba kulimbikitsa ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mapampu amagetsi amagetsi ndikutsiriza ma commutators a carbonm'mapampu awo kuti alowe m'malo mwa zitsulo zamkuwa ndi zitsulo zina zowonjezera moyo wautumiki wa mapampu amafuta. Nthawi ya kukhazikitsidwa kofala kwakutsiriza ma commutators a carbonm'mapampu amafuta agalimoto abwera.

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